About shawky

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So far shawky has created 101 blog entries.

Stronger For It


Mending A Broken Heart Heartbreak happens to all of us

Stronger For It2019-10-09T06:08:59-08:00

To Rise Above


Achieving A High Vibration All matter is made up of

To Rise Above2019-10-09T06:08:59-08:00

Our Earthly Origins


Reclaiming Our Roots Some cultures are more rooted to the

Our Earthly Origins2019-10-09T06:08:59-08:00

Shifting With The Tide


Energetic Motion Since our lives are constantly in motion energetically,

Shifting With The Tide2019-10-09T06:08:59-08:00

Echoes of Power


Sacred Vows Speech is a vehicle for vows, but the sacred

Echoes of Power2019-10-09T06:08:59-08:00

Sharing Grief


Opening To Receive Comfort When we experience something that causes

Sharing Grief2019-10-09T06:09:00-08:00
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